Landmark is Building a house in Mexico, We need your help!
From June 8-13, Landmark is sending a team of 20 to build a house for a family in need in Acuna, Mexico. The cost of building materials for the house is $10,675. We need your help to purchase the materials! Will you consider partnering with our team and helping make an eternal impact in Mexico? Checks can be made out to Landmark Christian Church with "Mexico' in the memo line or cash can be put in an envelope on the welcome booth and marked "Mexico."
WOWChow Meal Preparers Needed
You can be a part of helping our kids and adults grow closer to Christ by preparing a simple family-friendly meal for 30-40 people. WOWChow is served on Wednesdays at 6:00 with classes following at 6:30. The meal makes it much easier for families to consistently attend Wednesday night activities. Plus, it’s a great time to get to know each other better! If you can prepare a WOWChow meal, please indicate the date on the sign-up on the bulletin board. See Joe, DeAnn or Danielle Perry with any questions.
Khun Yuam Youth Hostel
There are currently 23 kids that are unsponsored at the Khun Yuam Youth Hostel in Thailand. Sponsorship provides food, housing, tuition, and a safe Christian environment for students while they attend school. The cost is $15 per month per child. If you are interested in sponsoring a child in Thailand, please see Kyle or DeAnn Perry.
A Living Hope: A Study Through 1 Peter
Adult Bible Class on Wednesdays from 6:30-7:30
Dig into Scripture and letting it speak to you with a study through 1 Peter. This letter reminds us of who we are in Christ, how to handle hard times, and the confident hope we have in every situation because of Jesus. Please join us to explore God’s Word together.
Flourish Church Leadership Conference: Saturday March 1st
Saturday, March 1, from 9:00-3:30 in Tomah with speaker Dr. Dann Spader presenting "How to Live Like Jesus, How to Walk Like Jesus, and How to Disciple Like Jesus"
Sharpen your disciple-making skills at the annual Flourish Conference. This year’s speaker, Dr. Dann Spader, has impacted over a million leaders worldwide through his discipleship training, with certified trainers in 100+ countries. Times of praise will feature music led by Jesse Hamble. Landmark has paid a church-wide registration fee which allows us to bring as many as we can for one price, so there is no extra cost for you to attend. See Brad or Kyle for details. There is a sign-up in the Fellowship Area.
Parent Resource Table NEW!
Check out the new Parent Resource Table located in the back of the worship hall. Feel free to take a devotional home for you and your family and return it when you are done. There are resources for children of all ages available and more to come!
Pray, Pray, Pray: Prayer Group is now Mondays 4:30pm
We meet for prayer weekly on Mondays from 4:30-5:30pm. The purpose is simply to call on the Lord for each other, our communities, and our nations. The first gathering is this Thursday, December 5. See Danielle Perry for more information. Please come and pray with us!
Upcoming Ladies of Landmark Happenings
Saturday, February 15, 2025 at Chippewa Family Restaurant at 11:30 am. Ladies of Landmark will meet at the Chippewa Family Restaurant for lunch to build relationships within the church community. Lunch attendees will pay for their own meal.
Opportunities to Connect & Learn
Questions? Let’s get in touch.
Landmark Bookclub
The Landmark Book Club is a fun way to make new friends while learning from great books. The club loves new members and would be excited for you to join! See Lisa Crocker for details.
Attend a 3D Class every Sunday
3D Disciples Digging Deeper
Sunday mornings from 10:50 to 11:35 am we gather as Disciples Digging Deeper into God’s Word. Children and youth have Bible classes at their levels. There are adult classes for young adults and women, along with two Bible studies open to anyone.
WOW and Wow Chow: Returns Fall 2024
WOW - Worship on Wednesdays
Join us Wednesdays during the school year at 6:00pm for a meal and fellowship. Classes for all ages start at 6:30pm.
Lunch with Brad and Kyle
Brad and Kyle like to eat. They also like to hang out with guys in the church. Therefore, they have made it a goal to, between the two of them, meet with every guy in the church over breakfast or lunch (or possibly dinner). If you are a guy in the church, they hope to be meeting with you soon.
Text and Email Updates
Weekly email updates are sent on Fridays and prayer requests are sent as needed. If you are not receiving the text/email prayer requests or weekly email update on the happenings at Landmark, please email Kyle with your contact information at,, and he will add you to the lists.
Opportunities for Giving
Thank you for your continued support of the Kingdom through your generous giving.
Options for Giving
Send funds to Landmark Christian Church, 4140 126th St, Chippewa Falls, WI
Hmong Christian Church Security Fundraiser
Hmong Christian Church in Eau Claire has witnessed an increased need for security at their property and are raising money for a security camera system. More detail is available on our bulletin board. If you are led to contribute, you may do so at or by sending a check made out to Hmong Christian Church with “Security Fund” in the memo line. Address: 2749 70th St, Eau Claire, 54703.
Menards Rebate Box for Hope Village
You may place your Menards 11% rebate slips in the box under the bulletin board.
The proceeds will go to help Hope Village with building and grounds expenses.
Support for Somphet
For many years Landmark church has partnered in ministry with Somphet in Thailand. Somphet still has several years of ministry planned but is looking towards his retirement in about 8 years. We are looking for 13 people to contribute $10 a month to help build his retirement.
Contact DeAnn Perry or Pastor Kyle Skipton if you are interested.