Small Groups
Landmark is not just a friendly church but a friend-making church, offering a variety of ways to get connected with others as you grow together in Christ. We have Bible studies for men, women and couples. Book lovers are welcome in our monthly book club while our Theology Geeks group holds interesting conversations for the deep thinkers among us. You can join a ministry team and get to know others side-by-side.
Bible Study
A variety of small group Bible studies meet at different times and locations throughout the week.
Prayer Group
Pray, Pray, Pray: Mondays 4:30-5:30 pm
We gather for prayer weekly on Mondays from 4:30-5:30 pm. The purpose is simply to call on the Lord for each other, our communities, and our nations. Please come and pray with us!
See Danielle Perry for more information.
Theology Geeks
Do you enjoy talking about theology, philosophy or modern culture, but get blank stares or uncomfortable silence when you try to raise these subjects in polite society? A group of theology geeks gets together monthly to talk about stuff no one else will talk about with them. The plan is simple – they do some reading on the subject and then get together to discuss it.
Book Club
Love to read? Book club meets monthly to discuss their book of the month. The conversation is lively and the dessert is delicious! Dates and locations vary.
If you are interested in joining one of our small groups, contact the church for the latest information.