International Missions
Operation Christmas Child
Casas por Cristo, Acuña Mexico
Khun Yuam Christian Hostel, Thailand

Operation Christmas Child - Pack A Shoebox
Landmark Christian Church is an Operation Christmas Child Drop Off Center. We invite you to join us in making this a special year for children throughout the world. We want to make sure they are shown the love of God this Christmas.
Please take a shoebox and a flyer, with instructions, from our display near the Worship Hall. The instructions will give you clear direction on how to pack a shoebox with gifts for either a boy or girl and for a specific age. Once packed, return it here to the church.
When we pass the boxes on to Samaritan’s Purse, they will put discipleship materials in each box and distribute them all around the world, partnering with local churches that will stay in touch with the child receiving the gift for a full year.
Acuña Mexico with Casas por Cristo
Landmark Christian Church Arrives February 2024
In February 2024, a group of 21 people from Landmark Christian Church and the Chippewa Valley, each with a different background, traveled to Mexico.
“All of us had different skills and purposes on the trip. Some of the team members were highly skilled in carpentry and some had very little experience. That was how God intended it.
We all have been wired with different skills. Some of us were able to build quickly and efficiently. Others were able to connect emotionally and relationally with Anjelica despite the language barrier. God used all 21 of us to make an eternal impact and transform lives.” -Pastor Kyle Skipton
This mission trip was facilitated by Casas por Cristo.
Casas por Cristo exists to open the door for local pastors and churches to share the love of Jesus Christ by serving. Their mission is to build and serve.
Read more about their work on the Casas por Cristo website here.

Acuña, Mexico - City Profile
by Casas por Cristo
A typical family in Acuña earns $60 a week, oftentimes being employed by a local factory or maquila. With an average family size of four, this income is barely enough to survive and provide for their most basic needs. Public education is not free, causing families to struggle to provide the money needed for uniforms, books, and tuition.
Due to the lack of income, there is rarely any money left over to purchase materials to help build adequate housing. For this reason, the homes in Acuña are similar to what can be seen in many border towns.
Families utilize scrap materials and anything that they can find to build homes to shelter their families. There is a vicious cycle that is created due to a lack of job opportunity and income that prevents a family from being able to provide for even their most basic needs.
Through building homes, our ministry helps relieve this burden of housing so that families can focus their income towards providing food and education for their family in order to help break this cycle.
Anjelica’s Story
Anjelica shared more of her story during the week as the team built her new home.
Waiting Two Years for Landmark Christian Church
Anjelica applied for a home through Casas por Cristos. Her application was accepted, but then her yellow plaque posted at the site of her future home sat for two years. God inspired a team from Landmark Christian Church to fundraise and arrive to build her home.
Anjelica’s yellow plaque.
Sleeping in a car
Anjelica borrowed a neighbor's car and slept next to the house site to guard the materials. As soon as the walls were put up she moved inside and slept on the cold hard cement floor at 64 years of age.
A home without beds
Anjelica had very little financial resources and no furniture for her house. Anjelica made the decision to use what resources she had to furnish a kitchen instead of a bed.
When our team found out she wouldn't have a bed, they emptied their pockets and came up with enough money in just a few minutes to purchase two beds and mattresses!
The generosity and heart for God's people was on full display from the mission team. Anjelica now has a bed for both herself and her grandson! The joy she expressed when we brought her the mattresses was incredible! -Pastor Kyle Skipton
Full bed gift option. - Casas por Cristos

Spencer Delong, Casas por Cristos Missionary
“Simply Enjoyable. When I reflect on the week with Landmark Christian, I cannot help but smile and be encouraged. The congregation should be proud of what the group accomplished this last week on their behalf, but they should be more proud of the humble attitudes and willingness to serve Anjelica, whom they hadn't met before Monday.
The group stepped out in faith and let their lights shine into the Acuna community. I am thankful for their hard work on the site and the countless conversations and games of Cribbage in our free time.
It was mentioned at the dedication that Landmark thought they were coming to bless Anjelica, but they were blessed just the same by the work they did. Y'all blessed Casas por Cristo and my ministry as well, and I am thankful for that. While much of the group was related in one way or another, the comradery and welcoming nature of the group could not be overlooked. “
“It was mentioned at the dedication that Landmark thought they were coming to bless Anjelica, but they were blessed just the same by the work they did. ”
Why go on a mission trip?
“God has invited you to join him in transforming lives both in our community and around the world. He doesn’t need us, but he wants us to join him! What a blessing to be able to join the God of the universe and his plan for his kingdom! Don’t miss out on what God is doing! You will be blessed. ”
“God did not call us to a cushy life. He called us to a Christian life. No matter what your age or “skill level you may think you have,” all of us need to love like Jesus did to us. The trip will teach you more about who you are in Christ than you may want to know.”

Khun Yuam Christian Hostel, Thailand
Khun Yuam Christian Hostel, Thailand
In 1989, Buddhist monks came to Northern Thailand and took a majority of the Hmong children away from their families to be educated in schools in Southern Thailand. Many of the families were Christians, but they allowed their children to go with the monks since there was nowhere else for them to recieve an education.
The local Christian leaders came to Somphet and asked if there was anything he could do to bring their children back home safely. The solution was to build a hostel for the children to live while they attended school. Initially it consisted of three small huts, one for Somphet and his family, one for a kitchen, and one for the children to live in. The hostel has been very fruitful since it began.