A Living Hope: A Study Through 1 Peter
This letter reminds us of who we are in Christ, how to handle hard times, and the confident hope we have in every situation because of Jesus. Please join us to explore God’s Word together.
The Silent Years: Fall 2024
Pastor Brad Crocker will outline how God prepared the world for the coming of Jesus. In the 400 years between the last word of the Old Testament prophets and the Nativity announcement of the angels, the world changed dramatically.
How God’s people learned to live through times of upheaval provides lessons for us today and helps us understand the world into which Jesus was born.
Next Steps Courses
Between Two Trees: Fall 2024
“The Bible ends where it begins. Kind of.” (Dr. Shane Wood) Revelation and Genesis each picture the paradise of God under the Tree of Life. We now exist between the time of the Genesis Tree of Life and when the Tree returns in Revelation. And between those two Trees, life is hard.
“Between Two Trees” is an eight-week video series saturated with biblical teaching focused on the question: “How will the Bible transform us?”
Ongoing Classes
Attend a 3D Class every Sunday : 3D – Disciples Digging Deeper
Sunday mornings from 10:50 to 11:35 am we gather as Disciples Digging Deeper into God’s Word. Children and youth have Bible classes at their levels. There are adult classes for young adults and women, along with two Bible studies open to anyone.
WOW and WOWChow
Please join us every Wednesday evening to make friends and draw closer to Jesus. Activities commence at 6:00 pm with WOWChow, a free family friendly meal. At 6:30 pm , we have classes for all ages, including Middle and High School youth group.
Interested in bringing the WowChow meal? Sign up on the bulletin board across from the kitchen or see Joe Perry with questions.
Past Classes
Truth and Lies: How to Sift thru the Noise to Find What’s Real: May 2024
We are inundated with people claiming to tell us the truth. How do we know who is giving facts and who is peddling falsehood? In a four-session class, Brad will lead us in unpacking what the Bible says about how to figure out what’s true and what’s false.
Understanding the End Times, A Next Steps Class: Summer 2024
A six-week Next Steps Class. We will watch and discuss video teaching by Dr. Shane J. Wood on what the Bibles says about the end times.
Simplifying Revelation: Spring 2024
You won’t be intimidated by the book of Revelation anymore. We will watch and discuss video talks by Dr. Shane J. Wood, professor of New Testament Studies at Ozark Christian College. In eleven sessions, Dr. Wood teaches how to understand Revelation so that it can help us walk with Jesus day-by-day.
Dave Spaulding and Tim Griner will lead discussions of the video sessions, which will cover topics such as the overall message of Revelation, the meaning of the images used in the book, and subjects you hear about frequently - the mark of the beast, the rapture, and heaven.
Hardship and Healing: Adult Bible Class, Wednesdays at 6:30pm
Wednesdays from March 19 to April 30, 6:30-7:30
Why does God allow suffering? How can I find healing from the trauma I have experienced? How can my hurt be turned into a blessing for others? These are the questions we will be exploring through Scripture on Wednesday evenings beginning March 19. We hope you can join us.