Women’s Ministry
Our Commitment is to: Exalt Jesus, Obey Scripture, and always Lead with Love.
Exalt Jesus
Evangelism: mission trips, chaperone youth evangelism events
Outreach: annual church block party, free clinic
Worship: women’s choir
Obey Scripture
3D Class Sunday
Next Steps Courses
Bible Study Groups
Book Club
Lead with Love
Monthly Ladies’ Lunch and a variety of activities and adventures throughout each month.
Outings for all activity levels and interests with the purpose of drawing us together as women of God.
The leaders of this group are Kim Yarrington, Sheri Stuve, Danielle Perry, and Molly Zylstra.
Bible Study
A variety of small group Bible studies meet at different times and locations throughout the week.
Sunday - Bernie's Adult Bible Class, Room 6
Sunday - Ladies' 3D class, Room 7
Sunday - Brad's 3D class, Worship Hall
Sunday - Young adults, Sanctuary
Sunday - MS/HS 3D class, Teen Shed
Thursdays - 6:00 Room 7
Obey Scripture: Opportunities to Connect
Book Club
Love to read? Book club meets monthly to discuss their book of the month. The conversation is lively and the dessert is delicious!
Dates and locations vary.
Next Steps Bible Classes
Offered each season on a variety of topics. Recent classes include: Understanding the End Times, Truth and Lies: How to Sift thru the Noise to Find What’s Real, Simplifying Revelation
3D: Disciples Digging Deeper
Sunday mornings from 10:50 to 11:35 am we gather as Disciples Digging Deeper into God’s Word.
Children and youth have Bible classes at their levels. There are adult classes for young adults and women, along with two Bible studies open to anyone