Church Planning
In the fall of 2023, Landmark Christian Church launched a Strategic Church Planning project using the Jumpstart! planning process.
Four Pillar Objectives were determined through countless hours of discussion and analysis of input. Read on for details on objectives and goals guiding Landmark over the next three years.
Landmark Christian Church is a welcoming church with a heart to follow Christ, a heart to serve, and a heart to love.
Our belief is that because every person matters to God, He sent His Son to bring new and forever life to every person.
Our purpose is to live this wonderful new life and bring it to others. By the power of the Holy Spirit, we are building a community of Jesus followers who are getting people into heaven and getting heaven into people.
Our Commitment is to exalt Jesus, obey Scripture, and always lead with love.
Because you matter to God.
We are a purposefully intergenerational congregation, helping the different generations grow toward Christ by connecting with each other.
Four Pillar Objectives
Evangelism. Lead unbelievers to salvation in Jesus.
Discipleship. Help believers grow in their relationship with Jesus.
Next Generation. Evangelism and discipleship ministry targeted toward children, youth, parents, and adults under 40.
Leadership Development. Grow in our ability to influence others toward Christ.
Goal: Lead unbelievers to salvation in Jesus.
Individual sharing of the Gospel.
Worship services and other events that present the Gospel and move unbelievers toward Christ.
Community Service that displays the love of Christ.
Goal: Help believers grow in their relationship with Jesus.
Bible knowledge and obedience.
Spiritual disciplines.
Classes will be offered to help people move systematically through what they need to learn. Possible topics: Introduction to Landmark, Christian doctrine, spiritual growth, spiritual gifts, sharing your faith, discipling others.
From the classes, get people connected to long-term small groups.
Next Generation
Goal: Evangelism and discipleship ministry targeted toward children/youth, their parents, and other adults under 40.
Intergenerational Connection
A fun adult-with-child matching program - Adopt a Grandchild, Adopt a Grandparent, Secret Angel.
Host activities for adult-child matches to do together.
Have ministry teams intentionally bring youth/children to help.
Help Parents Disciple Their Own Children
Mom Groups, Dad Groups
All-Church curriculum; Communicate lesson material to parents so they can follow-up.
Family-based servant evangelism projects.
Encourage and resource family devotions.
Marriage events, classes, or mentoring.
Leadership Development
Goal: Growth in ability to influence others toward Christ.
Preparing for Ministry
Encourage and facilitate advanced level teaching from Crossroads Church Partners and others.
System for current leaders to mentor potential leaders.
General leadership teaching and preaching
Equipping in Specific Areas
How-to training classes and ministry shadowing for people beginning or considering a ministry position.
Ongoing enrichment classes/conferences/articles for people already in various ministry positions.
Four Pillar Teams.
A team of Landmark members will write out a plan detailing how each goal in the team’s area will be accomplished.
Teams will provide a timeline for when each goal will be accomplished - what will be done in year one, year two, and year three?
If you are interested in joining one of our small groups, contact the church for the latest information.