We are excited to let you know that Guy Challenge 2023 is August 11-12 at Christian Harbor and Registration is now Open!
Dr. Gary Johnson is our speaker this summer. He has served in the preaching ministry for four decades. He now leads e2 as Executive Director full-time, coaching pastors and elders nationwide. He has Masters degrees from Lincoln Christian University and Cincinnati Bible Seminary, and a DMin from Grace Theological Seminary (IN). He is a dynamic speaker that we know God will use powerfully throughout the weekend. We are also excited to have Jesse Hamble back to lead us in worship!
Our theme this year is STRONGER! As men we are often in the pursuit of either gaining strength or measuring up our competition. As kids we might have said, “My dad is stronger than yours!” As we grew up, we challenged our friends to feats of strength to see who had the edge. As we grow older, we long for the strength we once had. 1 Timothy 4:8 says, “…while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come.” (ESV) At this year’s Guy Challenge, we want all men of every age to grow STRONGER spiritually to lead ourselves, influence others for Christ, and make an eternal impact for the kingdom.
You may register at: https://guychallenge.churchcenter.com/registrations/events/1757106
Overnight accommodations are available at the camp with a freewill donation upon arrival.
We have a SPECIAL OFFER on Guy Challenge T-Shirts that are in stock are ON SALE For 50% off while supplies last, prices start at only $5. Simply add them to your Guy Challenge Registration. Also you can receive $10 off per person your registration cost with early bird registration. All men ages 25 and under are FREE!
We are grateful to have this event that is exclusively built for men again this year at Christian Harbor. Guy Challenge equips men with practical tools to be courageous followers of Jesus in their everyday life. Do not miss what God has in store for you at Guy Challenge 2023!